Curvy Terraced Patio Design Creates Fabulous Outdoor Living Space

Curvy terraced patio design Cleveland 1

A curvy patio is just one of those items that is really fun to design, especially if it is a terraced patio.  Kind of like when you were younger, and you would sit and draw all kinds of curves, blending them to see what cool ideas and designs you could come with.  This paver patio reminded me of that, but the unique quality is it actually created some really functional outdoor living spaces, which is why we have included it in one of our favorite patio ideas.

Curvy terraced patio design Cleveland 2

Not only does this paver patio have lots of curves, but it is also tiered and raised to follow the grade.  And all of these curves create steps leading to all the different outdoor living areas of this patio.

Curvy terraced patio design Cleveland 3

A couple of ideas I want to point out about this design is we used rounded boulders to retain the lower section of this patio.  Also, we used flat stone, or outcropping, for steps leading from the patio to the lower walkout basement.  Both of these ideas were perfect to add to the rustic appeal of this log cabin.

Curvy terraced patio design with grill station

The outdoor dining area was placed on the upper level of this tiered patio for easy access and includes a  grill station for a slide-in barbecue grill.  This area is also enclosed with a seating wall that provides safety.

Curvy terraced patio design with outdoor bar.

The second level includes a nice outdoor bar for entertaining....

Curvy terraced patio design with pergola

and a 12' x 16' cedar pergola. Notice how we wrapped the column posts of the pergola with Allan Block columns.

Curvy terraced patio design with fire pit

A fire pit area creates the third level and was designed large enough to include chairs surrounding the built-in fire pit.  Also, included in this area is a seating wall that frames in the fire pit area and provides additional seating.

Curvy terraced patio design with hot tub

The 4th and final level of this raised paver patio was designed as a hot tub area as well as an apron to step off the patio.

Material used for this patio:

  • Pavers = Reading Rock Oxford Non-tumbled, Harvest Blend
  • Seating Walls, Bar and Grill Station = Allan Block Old Country Courtyard Block, Stonecreek Blend
  • Fire Pit = Reading Rock Bedford Radius Block, Buff/Pewter Blend
  • Retaining Wall Block (used to raise patio and steps) = Allan Block Europa Block, Stonecreek Blend

Learn more how we can design an outdoor living space for you on our Custom Patio Designing page.

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  • Steve Combs
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